Are you looking for a professional voiceover company for your next project? Look no further. VoiceProductions has been providing professional voiceover services since 2017. Our services include recording for corporate videos, e-learnings, instructional videos and audio guides. We also dub for commercials, entertainment, and telephone messages.
Why choose VoiceProductions?
VoiceProductions provides the best voice-overs in one place. With more than 46 different languages and hundreds of different voice-actors, you will quickly and easily find the right actor for your next project. Our voice actors have been carefully selected and work from a professional home studio. Almost all our voice actors deliver within 1 working day. Do you require your voice-over to be done faster? Anything’s possible with VoiceProductions.
Request a free trial recording from our professional voice actors
Would you like to see VoiceProductions in action? Request a demo of your desired voice. All you need to do is scroll through our languages and voice actors. Pick the voice of your choice, and e-mail us your preferences at

Are you not sure which voice actor would be perfect for your voice-over project? We are happy to help you select the perfect voice for your project or to set up a casting.
Urgent question, or wish? Don’t worry! 95% of all questions are answered within 10 minutes by our professional customer service.
Do you have requests outside of office hours? Anything is possible at VoiceProductions. Please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know your personal wishes. We’d be happy to help you. Even outside of office hours.
Direct contact with your voice actor
Have you placed your order? Then you will be in direct contact with your voice actor. Do you have any specific wishes or requests? Let them know via the chat box. Is your recording done, but do you require any adjustments? We’d be happy to record a (free) retake for you.
How does VoiceProductions work?
On our website you can find demos of all our voice actors. Firstly, you choose the right language and (if desired) the correct dialect. Then you decide on the gender you’d like to record your voice-over. Lastly, you let us know what type of voice-over you want the actor to do. Are you looking for a voice-over for a corporate video, or perhaps for an e-learning? After clicking “search”, our website will show you your options to select from.
Did you know that VoiceProductions offers you a wide range of voice types? From young to senior. From corporate to playful. With our hundreds of different voice actors, you are sure to find the right voice for your voice-over project.
With our voice demos, you will also find the specific actor’s information. How quickly they deliver, what their cost is, and even the actor’s history and availability. This way you know immediately what you are working with.
Do you wish to know the expected cost for your project? By creating a project, you can choose the amount of words and medium. The website will calculate your quote for you.
Let VoiceProductions translate your script for you
Do you wish to translate your script to the right language? We work together with an ISO certified translation agency. Because of that, we can even translate your script for you, at the most competitive rates, of course.
We handle everything from casting to final delivery, ensuring a seamless process. Whether you need scriptwriting assistance, editing, TV editing & mastering, radio advertising, e-learning, telephony, or audio guides for museums. We've got you covered.
What are the benefits of working with VoiceProductions?
VoiceProductions has many years of experience. Because of this, we know exactly what you need. For example, all of our voices will be delivered rough in 48 kHz, in 24bit. Do you wish to receive the recording in MP3, or in another format? Please let us know via the chat box.
By booking voice-overs online through our platform, you save on studio booking costs, making high-quality voice-over services affordable.
Join our satisfied customer base!
Seeing is believing? We understand that all too well. So don't listen to us, listen to our satisfied customers. Wim, for example, from Tell all the people. “Jimmy helped me perfectly for a last-minute project”, he let us know in his review. “Reachable even outside office hours and looking for a solution. Because of this, we met our deadline in the end.”
Pascal, from Sanidetectif experienced our services similarly. “The service of this company was a lesson for ours UN-BE-LIEVABLE”, he wrote.
And Jorden, from Switchvisuals, wrote: “Very fast and proactive service! I experienced a very confidential and professional operation. Just perfect!”
Do you want to be as satisfied as our previous customers? Then contact us today and receive your professional voice-over within hours.
Because that’s what VoiceProductions stands for. Quality, speed, and personal service.
Meet our team
Jimmy Verrijt
Founder and Professional Voice Actor: Jimmy is the founder of VoiceProductions and has extensive experience as a professional Flemish voice actor.
Loïc Thaler
Project Manager and Casting Director: With nearly a decade of experience as a voice-over artist, Loïc has worked on several national campaigns and has a background in radio program production. As a project manager at VoiceProductions, he ensures that every project meets the highest standards and client expectations.
Bernard Grand
Project Manager for the French speaking market
Aurora de la Iglesia
Project Manager for the Spanish speaking market